Friday, August 20, 2010

20th month!

so many things to jot down....would have been so great to take a video of all the things you do, but we just cant... coz the moment you spot the camera you come running towards it! Already, most of the videos look like repeat shots of you squealing and running towards the camera.... so we really end up with just watching how much faster you have been running with each passing month :|

THE FIRST SENTENCE you mde is Daddy yelle i.e. where is daddy? you kept repeating it so often coz daddy had slipped out of the house without saying bye to you...from tht day onwards, we try not to ffol you and tell you daddy is going to office. ofcourse it took a while for you understand but atleast you arent as shocked now and have begun to understand your daddy's routine.

the way you communicate these days is like this :
  • you keep patting the sofa/bed and say kuchu kuchu which either means you sit down or make me sit here
  • you can say bishi and you know how bishi (hot) feels like. It started with you very very carefully touching the hot water in the bathroom and saying bishya lenene ... yeah, all sentences have to end with a lenenene or just le ... you have a funny language of you won and speak NON STOP! very often you sound like you are talking in malayalam... i am dying to record your conversation along with your facial expressions but cant because, yeah you got it, you stop talking and come running to the camera!
  • you can identify change in languages and you love it when we start talking in English :) you start making animated actions and you really look like you are talking a lot of sense!
  • you say cuppa for biscuits, something you coined on your won...have no idea where tht came from!
  • when i take you out in the evenings for your playtime, you keep running behind kids older to you ... you wanna ride their cycle, play with tht big football, jump the rope... hold on kid, you will be able to do tht very soon...why r u in a hurry to grow up?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

returning after a long time!
the gap has been a combination of no time and laziness whenever i had time....
the last 6 months have been such a whirlwind, you have grown up so much...tht i just couldnt keep pace with u...i realised tht slowly i was the one following u and learning from u
as on date the things tht u do are :
  • u love wearing adult shoes and walk thomp thomp thomp thomp everywhere in the house.
  • you call anyone daddy (which really upsets ur dad, especially when u say it in full public view to just about anyone like the salesman, auto driver etc) :)
  • your vocabulary is increasing by the day and the words u say are titu (thank u) , guddy (good night) tory (sorry) hi, bebye(bye bye), tha tha (tata) papu (papad), tota (dosa), car , gaadi, ada (ajja) ata (athya), amma, haku, ta, aka (your friend akarsh), abu, pani, mam ma (mam mam), bau, ba le
  • when u hurt me and i make a crying face, you act like u have picked the pain and throw it away saying bau hotu :) :)
  • u gv me huge doses of hugs and mmmmmaaaas , no words to explain how divine it feels, just no words....

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

12th month

you can make sense of what we are saying!
when i say mamam aatu, you know i have finished feeding you... and you repeat aatu if you are full or grunt and jump if you need more ...
same with your bath...getting you out of the bathroom used to be quite a sad thing for me coz u loved playing with the water but i obviously couldn't let you be there forever, so each time i carried you out of the bathroom, you would wail out and cry the deeply hurt cry ... so now wht we do is before we pick u up, we keep saying busha busha aatu, so now you know water playtime is over and we let you pick the mug or the shampoo bottle while we get you out ... not tht you dont resist even then, but atleast you are now mentally prepared to leave the bathroom and dont wail out as much...u just let your disapproval be known and then give in...
when we say hello, hello over the phone... you imitate us by putting your palm over the ears and say ooo, oooo .. and you look so super cute while doing tht!!! just how smart can you be!

.........there could have been so many more here but time flew by and I couldnt make timely gonna add everything else that i remember in the 13th month update ...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

11th month

you were completely comfortably mobile on your own...can stand, crawl and take a couple of steps with support. you cant sit down though and all u do is go thump on ur bum when u do want to sit after standing for long.
finally saw 2 pearly white teeth on the lower gums! they are choooo tiny and they are wavy! didnt take me long to know they are sharp too ... :)
your games and toys started getting more creative, bangalore ajji gives u elaichi chilka, coconut, flowers, peru, fruit basket, imli to play with. the best so far has been chinmuri... since u like to touch everything with just your index finger and then after careful examination you press it, you did just tht and the chinmuri took a nice long jump!! it amused u and all of us sooooo much, it became your and ours fav game. it was amazing how you would carefully and slowly place your finger on the chinmuri and then give it a nice push to make it jump! the first time you did it, you laughed and laughed and laughed until tears rolled down ur eyes. you even got hiccups but it didnt stop u from doing the same thing again and laughing again! was fabulous!
you have had plenty of falls, all of them resulting in hurting your head and i am really nervous about tht now! i think u have had enough but people tell me its just the beginning...didnt know i would be such a weak mom!

things that you do :
  • clap your hands when we say vitthal vitthal and raise your hands above your head when we say 'goooovinda!'
  • when we say 'vikrant kahan hai?' , you pat your chest tht says, its me!
  • you imitate people when they cough or giggle
  • you can say tata and wave your hands up and down to say tata!
  • u and papa can say 'yayayayayayaya' together in the same style by spreading your mouth as much as you can and shutting your eyes while saying it :)
  • you can go to your feeding chair , hold it and keep saying mamamamamamam when you are hungry
  • when we say dai dai dai dai dik, you bang your forehead to ours lightly and giggle while shaking ur head ...
  • the first word you learnt was 'aatu' .. something tht papa said while he was walking you around and you picked it keep saying it in such a sweet tone and it sounds so so so cute in your babyish accent!
  • when your are sleepy you say nananananan, coz i keep saying nini for sleep.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

10th month

a month full of games and danga masti...
you love to climb and scratch and pull and push people lying down as if to say, hey get up and play with me... and if they dont react at all, you make it your game to falling down and climbing up on them again ... it really gives a fabulous massage for us, as for you, you get tired and then doze off for a while! so this really works for us in the night!
another month of loads of new stuff! u crawled! u could hold on to things and stand on your own! you also manage to walk a couple of steps by holding on to something! all this in just about 15 days... your actions remained largely cutely wobbly...we went to mumbai for about 12 days and thts where you picked up finesse and became comfortably mobile! you can crawl the whole house stopping to chase ants, pick stuff, have noisy games with dabbas and even crawl inside the bathroom if the door is left open.
you still love outdoors and your stranger anxiety too reduced to some extent...atleast you dont wail out now and just cling tightly to me when you see a stranger ...
mumbai ajji taught you how to clap hands when she says vitthal vitthal vitthal...and when she finishes it with 'govinda' you just look up rather than putting your hands up! oh my chweeety pie,how much more cute can you be...
you can shake hands, understand tht when somebody is saying 'tata' they are leaving (and you dont like tht one bit! you want everyone around u all the time!) you love music and nod your head up and down when music starts...
bangalore ajji keeps you amused with new toys like baingan, imli, peru and the best of all chummari... since you like to touch everything with just your index finger and press down, you did the same to chummari and it took a nice long amused you so much, so much so much tht you laughed each time we repeated it! laughed with tears rolling down your eyes and hiccups interrupting the sweetest laughter in the world...i hope i am able to keep you happy like this all your life!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

9th month!

yeah, this was a month tht deserves a bag full of exclamation marks! such and such an amazing month! the things u achieved this month were so many! i really had to make efforts to keep up with u!
you could sit up on your own! for a few days once you sat all you could do next was lie down back again to move around...but just a few days more and you knew how to come on all fours and then go phat on your tummy to move fwd ... another few days later you began taking tiny tiny crawling steps... and then came the magical day when you officially crawled!
walker is smething you love! and you can go vroom vroom vroom everywhere you want. It excites you so much and i feel so content to see you happy :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

8th month

  • you transformed from being just a baby to a miniature human being and i say this because you became ever so expressive about your feelings and we both shared a language that nobody else seemed to understand ... it made us so special together :)
  • adda addda addda was the word you kept repeating ... daddy used to sing 'ada, hai hai ada, jaan leva ada ... ' and that only encouraged you to keep saying adda ever so strongly , it sounded like you were singing in chorus!! lol ... it was fabulous!
  • sleep time is now shifted to a cool 3:15am .. not so good huh ... waiting for the time when you will go to sleep atleast by 12. Have tried all the sleep training techniques in the world but i just cant let my baby sleep crying . I know i am pampering you but i just cannot bear a tear in your eye... lets see how long this can keep going ....
  • alright now, when you are having your bath, you are not to touch the soap, no pulling the mug, no picking the bucket while we are picking you up, and no you cant hold back the water that is running down. When the water is flowing out, you look at the drain then look at me and then the drain and then me with an expression that says 'mom look. when the water touches the silver ring, it vanishes!!!' :)) mmuuuaahhh
  • you are such a complete water baby, you love the bathroom and you have a big big big grin on your face when we take you in there and you go laughing like this 'hey hey ... hey hey....'
  • it is bad manners to point fingers my dear boy ... but that is what you do all day ... You have suddenly stopped opening out your hands to touch or pick anything. It is really funny when you try pick your toys with just the index fingers of your hands :) ... and it is even more funnier when you get irritated because you obviously arent able to pick them up! lol ...